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Department of Physiotherapy


The aim of Physiotherapy department at Alliance hospital is to help restore movement and normal body function in cases of illness, injury and disability as well as treating specific problems.

With advance treatment and medicines our physiotherapist also suggests ways to improve patient’s general wellbeing by taking regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and healthy diet for relief.

Special feature of our hospital is that our expertise examine for the whole body, rather than focusing on the individual factors of an injury or pain. Therefore we also have Yoga Therapy, Counselling and Ergonomics.

We have one of the best setups for physiotherapy with the aim to achieve the following:

  • Help reduce pain
  • Increase joint range of movement
  • Improve muscle strength
  • Address specific restrictions in activities
  • Improve strength, range of motion and endurance
  • Help to correct postural and muscle imbalance
  • Joint mobilization
  • Stretching and trigger point therapy to reduce stiffness and to relieve pain.


  • Manual therapy : joint mobilization & manipulation, soft tissue mobilization and therapeutic massage.
  • Therapeutic exercise : a well equipped gym is available with cardiovascular and strength training equipment.
  • Taping. EMG biofeedback for retraining specific muscle
  • Electrotherapy : electrical stimulation, pulsed magnetic field therapy, and ultrasound therapy.
  • Low-level laser therapy
  • Cervical & lumbar traction
  • Intermittent compression therapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Cognitive therapy (education intervention)
Panel of Doctors: